As the Dudus saga plays itself out in Kingston, two of the questions that remain unanswered are 'why is the United States pushing so hard?' and 'why now?'.
The world is full of dons and drug lords, not to mention the fact that the American plate is full with wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and a billion Muslims who are being encouraged to attack anywhere at anytime. You would think that they had more immediate things to concentrate on.
Yet they continued to poke and push, treating every Jamaican that went through U.S. customs like a criminal, openly questioned the personal honesty of the Prime Minister Bruce Golding and even suggested that the Jamaican Labour Party were in violation of their mandate to govern Jamaica.
In fact, the Americans haven't even got an Ambassador to Jamaica anymore. Obama has left the position open, a serious diplomatic slap in the face. All of this tension is for the Don of Tivoli Gardens? Something isn't right. Dudus just isn't that big of a problem.
The idea that outside interests have manipulated the situation for a long time begins to form when you question the truth of what we are being told.
For two years now Dudus has had an excellent run, controlling the docks in Kingston (on Tivoli Gardens turf, and the true value of the constituency) with his buddies running the government.
He has grown more powerful than ever before, with so much money that he doesn't have to rely on politicians for anything.
In the old days back in the 1970's, when the street gangs were first created by the political parties, they had to get their weapons and cash from the JLP or the PNP, but since the cocaine business showed up, that relationship has slowly turned full circle. Now the politicians need the gangs to control the vote, but the gangs don't need the politicians for support. They have become an independent power.
The outside control in this is that the international cocaine business is not run by Jamaicans. Nobody manufactures coke on the island, it all comes in from South America, mostly Colombia.
Somebody else determines how much of their product is moved through Jamaica, which in turn determines how much money ends up in the hands of the gangs.
Dudus is more powerful than ever before because whoever is controlling The Business decided that he would make him powerful. In fact, it looks like they wanted him to become a 'threat to national security', and be such a handful that outside military assistance might be necessary.
Since the Iran-Contra hearings in the United States in the early 1980's, the world has known that the biggest player in the illegal drug business is the U.S. military.
The enormous wealth involved is enough to weaponize entire armies of 'insurgents', which are then used to destabilize any country they choose. They have the best killers, the best weapons and the best intelligence, and it's all in cash.
No records. There are American military troops on the ground in Colombia and Afghanistan, by far the largest producers of cocaine and heroine respectively. This is no accident.
So it isn't a stretch to consider the idea that growing Dudus into a serious problem was a manipulation that was within the control of U.S. interests.
By why flare it up now, and why so hard? Why would the United States want Jamaica to descend into chaos now?
One idea that comes to mind is oil.
Try this one on for size - although Jamaica has never produced a single drop of oil, has no wells, no rigs, no infrastructure, the Minister of Mining and Energy, James Robertson, spent March, 2010 in England, and April, 2010 in the United States, presenting 'Jamaica's Second Formal Licensing Round 2010', billed as 'New Prospects, New Opportunities', to the Geological Society of England and the American Association of Petroleum Geologists. The agendas for these meetings are on the Petroleum Corporation of Jamaica's website.
He reviewed the new seismic data just before the first coffee break at 10:00 am, and the bid procedures info around 11:30, just before the lunch break, and in between talked about the investment climate in Jamaica. He was in New Orleans during the second week of April, and was in Texas at the end of the month.
By May 22nd, just three weeks after showing all of this data to the oil executives in the States, Jamaica found itself suddenly on the verge of crisis, and American military personnel were seen landing at Manley International in Kingston. The next day, May 23rd, the Prime Minister of Jamaica, Bruce Golding, went on national television to declare a state of emergency.
Add to this the fact that the Government of Jamaica signed a new $1.27 billion US '27 Month Standby Agreement' with the International Monetary Fund for balance of payment support in February, 2010, and a different set of motivators enter the picture.
Less than a month later the Jamaican Minister of Mining and Energy is out pimping a non-existent oil industry to England (controls the IMF) and the United States (controls the World Bank).
The per capita debt burden of Jamaica is the 4th highest in the world. Over 50% of the Capital Expense Budget goes to servicing the debt.
PM Golding has an impossible situation on his hands - he has to somehow find a way to impose financial discipline enough to keep up with the payments, but he has no way to build economy with what he has now. A Jamaican oil industry would help him out big time.
However, the real trick is going to be the fine print of that IMF restructuring agreement.
This same ploy was used on Argentina to force them to sell off State owned assets to raise the cash to pay the debt, which ended up with a Spanish oil company, Resopl YPF (odd in the fact that Spain has no oil, but is really a front for BP), owning all of the rights to Argentina's oil.
Later it was discovered that there are reserves of around 500 billion barrels just off the coast of the Falkland Islands. Argentina does not own it's oil because of IMF debt restructuring rules.
So in February Jamaica signs a new IMF debt restructuring package, and in March the Mining and Energy Minister is in England presenting new seismic data and bidding instructions on an industry that doesn't exist, and in April he's doing the same thing in the United States, which is about the time the Deep Horizon oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico exploded.
Three weeks into May, Kingston has been transformed into a war zone by unrelenting and unexplained American pressure, which includes American military on the ground.
Hmmm. Three weeks after showing the data to the Americans, there are armed U.S. troops on the ground in the capital city.
The Deep Horizon might have something to do with that.
One of the facts that CNN doesn't talk about much is that BP was drilling way, way deeper than anybody knew. The deepest working oil well on earth is around 20,000 feet, but six months ago the Deep Horizon drilling tapped 35,000 feet when they had some sort of 'catastrophic event', which ended when they sealed it up and left things alone.
They were drilling again at 30,000 feet when the explosion happened. Outside of the rule breaking, they proved that the technology exists to go almost twice as deep as any working well, which means that they can now access oil that was once thought to be unattainable, in places that have never produced oil before.
At the end of 2008, Cuba announced to the world that it was sitting on 20 billion barrels of oil, the 12th largest deposits among countries, and that it was involved in developing it with Venezuela, Russia, Spain, Norway and India. Cuba is about 70 miles from Jamaica.
If you stand on the top of the Blue Mountains and look north, you can see the lights in Cuba.
If they have oil that deep, you can bet that Jamaica has oil that deep, and Haiti, and the Domincan Republic.
That earthquake in Haiti last January was suspicious from the start, but the 'over the top' response from the United States might now make sense.
The American military controls Haiti. The foreign assistance was an army of occupation. This week they landed in Jamaica.
The bidding process for the contracts to develop these new Jamaican oil fields are in play right now.
An armed foreign military in the middle of your capital city is a very powerful negotiating tool, and that brand new $1.27 billion IMF loan restructuring came with some nasty conditions, and that runaway well is pumping out an enormous amount of oil, which is going to raise a few questions about just how much oil is down that deep and when can the rest of the world start drilling for it?
Jamaica needs an oil industry before it can sell it to the Americans to pay off the debt.
That's why the IMF and the World bank were created to begin with, to manipulate poor countries into such an enormous debt load that they would have to sell off their natural resources and utilities to pay it. This is the plan in action.
The cat jumped out of the bag before the deal was done when that well exploded, but now it's living proof of the size of the discovery, which is apparently big enough to destroy all life on the planet if BP can't figure a way to shut it down. That's a lot of oil. America wants to wrap this one up fast.
For 600 years they've taken all of the wealth from sugarcane and fruit. For the past 70 years they've taken all of the wealth from bauxite and alumina. For the past 40 years they've taken all of the wealth from tourism.
Now more money is in play than all of that combined. Black Gold. Texas Tea. The Devil's Blood.
One of the largest oil deposits ever discovered.
This whole Dudus soap opera is really just a manipulation to create a situation where America can get their hands on Jamaican oil, which most Jamaicans don't even know about.
If America is involved, you know it's about money.
The only solution is probably impossible. Every single Jamaican has to ask themselves if they love Jamaica enough to make peace with each other. This attack is on Jamaica, not Jamaicans.
They are just the victims, but the oil the Americans want is as much a part of the island as the snow white sand, the swaying palm trees, the spectacular ganja or the incredible reggae.
This trick works only if Jamaicans battle with each other.
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